Hi, my name is Matthijs Geise. I'm 42 years old and I'm living in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I hold a bachelors degree in Interaction Design from the Willem de Kooning Academy. Over the years I've done lots of freelance assignments as well as fulltime jobs for various communication agencies and software companies.
I am a multidisciplinary creative c0der, always up for new challenges. If you need a website, a new brand identity or a complete media mix. I'm here to help. I work with talented writers, video producers, photographers, database specialists etc. to realize bigger projects.
Currently I am working as a frontend developer for PostNL: a mail, parcel and e-commerce corporation with operations in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Belgium and the United Kingdom. However I am also available for freelance work. I have over 10 years of experience with freelancing.
Due to experience in many different fields and a large network of creative communication and c0ding specialists I can realise larger projects for government bodies, multinationals aswell as smaller projects for any company. Contact me to see how we could meet your goal.
All the best,
Matthijs Geise
RAW Footage
Skills I gained over the years. Everything is of course approximately.
I am dedicated to a lot of different fields. So I was able to gain a lot of experiences in various disciplines. If you have any questions regarding my skills, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.
Earned the title Interaction Designer with a specialisation in Animation. My final project concisted of writing a thesis on how social interaction between strangers in the semi-public space could be improved using technology. This resulted in development of a concept, designing and building of an installation: A series of tables with a multitouchscreen surface that were able to communicate with other tables in the room, play games, enque music to the room's playlist, order food and drinks, pay, etc.
Graduation 2006
This course was formerly known as Grafimediatechnology.
A CMGT'er develops interactive digital products like web- and mobile applications. I also learned programming, 3D modelling, animating and digital illustration.
Propedeuse 2002
My work concists of making designs for the PostNL main website, subsidiaries and landing pages. Also a big part of this job is making designs for responsive email marketing templates for this brand and external clients like KPN, Telfort, Expresso, Citroën, Peugeot, Connexxion to name a few. Next to designing I also write and optimize the code to make it cross-mailclient-proof.
2014 - Current
This software developer created an addon tool for SAP which helps companies with optimizing their supply chain. I worked at the marketing department, creating and builing a new website with the purpose to inform and generate leads.
2013 - 2014
A small communications agency that focusses on local businesses and government. My work concisted of designing, building and maintaining websites, shops, magazines, flyers, corporate identities and complete offset packages including stationairies and business cards.
2012 - 2013
I was outsourced to governmental bodies like the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal) and ministries (VROM, IL&T) or large businesses like KPN to realize ICT projects.
2011 - 2012
In this music studio I played a double role. As webdesigner I built and maintained the company website, did video montage and graphic design. As office manager I would do planning and keep in contact with production companies, artists and suppliers to keep the 4 studios booked.
2009 - 2011
I would make designs for light panels, neon signs, stickers and banners.
2007 - 2008
Portfolio coming soon. For now check out my outdated portfolio.
This part is still under construction. More info soon.
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